Connecting to Different Ideas
Teacher's are a voice for their students.....

In the Safe Space article it reminds me how we talked about SCWAAMP. When people are not straight we are unable to look at someone as being in the normal. It is outside of what we see or are told about how a person should be. People will be a shamed of being outside of the bird cage because they will not be seen as equal to everyone. We have created a image in our head of how someone should be and the image has be put in our head by different systems around us. When people are outside the normal, other people's eyes can't handle seeing or understand why someone is they way they are. Our heads have been trained to think and see what is wright and what is wrong. We get ideas in are head because of holidays, advertisements and are empowering leaders in our lives. It is very hard for people not to judge others because he have been shown the roles of power and how we should ask about different ideas. When you play by the rules you can get farther in life. People will be opened to get to know you if you are the same as them, but if you are not they will close the door on you before you even get to say hello. As teachers, we need to know how to be able to understand the different stressors that students are going through and make sure that the classroom is an open and safe place for all students no matter what their beliefs.
I love the ideas you brought up here. People definitely have a definition of "normal" that they expect ot be filled and when it's not, they treat the other person very differently. :) thanks for sharing!